Financial problems can lead to many other troubles, like marital and family conflicts, poor job performance and stress-related health conditions. If you are being harassed by debt collectors or your wages are being garnished, and you feel unable to get on top of your bills — even though you may be working two or more jobs and keeping your spending to a minimum — bankruptcy could be an excellent solution to your problem. Bankruptcy protection is a constitutional right supported by federal law.
Since bankruptcy is not appropriate for everyone who is in debt, it is important to speak to a knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer if you are considering it. If you qualify and choose to pursue a personal bankruptcy filing, the experienced attorneys at Wilkins, Bankester, Biles & Wynne, P.A., can enable you to deal decisively with unaffordable debt through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Experienced Fairhope Bankruptcy Attorneys
As provided by federal law, consumers in financial distress can get relief by filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 in federal bankruptcy court. Each type of bankruptcy presents its own benefits and drawbacks.
If you have credit card debt, medical bills or other unsecured debt that you simply cannot afford to keep up with, Chapter 7 could enable you to get a fresh start by essentially wiping out those obligations. Not everyone can qualify for Chapter 7, but we can help you determine if you do, and we can do all the paperwork necessary.
If you are concerned about losing a house to foreclosure or a vehicle to repossession, a properly executed Chapter 13 may allow you to keep your house or car. By establishing a specific payment plan through which you agree to satisfy some of your debts, you can use a Chapter 13 to your advantage in keeping assets or property that are important to you or your family.
Get Help From A Baldwin County Chapter 7 Attorney
Our firm has represented both debtors and creditors in Alabama bankruptcy matters involving Chapter 7, Chapter 13, Chapter 11 and Chapter 12, so we are well-versed in both sides of the processes involved. Contact us for a free consultation with an experienced bankruptcy attorney who can help you explore your options and find solutions.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.